
LPN # 2

Our second event was absent a couple of people but still was successful. We had a new comer, April to our crowd. She was very sweet and welcome any time. I modified our structure just a bit. Mrs Blood and I alternated shuffle and deal to minimize our time. Our first event was rather long and I thought it might keep things moving if we had one or two permanent dealers. It seemed to work. I also bumped up the blinds which may have been going a bit fast since we couldn't seem to keep up with them. I never knew when they went up. Some kind of volume malfunction on the computer. Anyway, I think the tourney went a bit fast this time but I will need to survey the Ladies to get a full understanding of how things went. I can make modifications for next month.

Here are the results:
#7: Natalie
#6: April
#5: Ace High
#4: Lady Smith
#3: Mrs Blood (working on a new name)
#2: PokerBtch
#1: Ice T

Poor... Poor... Nat. She kept getting best starting and sucked out on each time. It was bad. So bad she even walked the dog and offered to care for the kids while we played. Not a good sign. But I have faith things will turn around for her. No doubt her car will bring her luck and enhance her poker skill.

Had a great time again ladies. Please e-mail me comments if you want me to change things up a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HELLLLOOOOO!!!2 Weeks???